
Sochratic Seminar Part I

Is there such thing as a soul mate?
It's possible.

But we shouldn't be searching for them...there's a point in a relationship where you decide whether things will go any further or not...

"there's a chemistry, energy, a synchronicity" when you first meet someone that you're feeling...well, really feeling. When there's that overwhelming feeling of comfort and trust with another person, it's hard to know where to direct those emotions. I mean, it should be obvious, but when you're in that moment and not used to it...all you can rely on is instinct and try not to let insecurities take over.

It's so hard to find someone that we're truly compatible with because when we search we expectations, we don't allow ourselves to be happy to the fullest capacity.

It's hard. Maybe we're just a product of the times we live in; maybe we're jaded and over informed. People in the past didn't have these problems. You meet someone and decide if you like them or not. They didn't waste time or think about these things -- they didn't over analyze.

Perhaps it's because of the different social constructs of our time. The expectations for relationships these days seem to be lacking something....like committment. Like, when you're talking to someone, it doesn't mean anything...back in the day, talking actually meant something (going steady).

Now, having sex or spending days and days with someone doesn't mean anything anymore, etiher. There's no distinction between what a friend is and enjoying the benefits of labels. Labels set boundaries. They provide set rules and make life a little less complicated. There is a proper way to identify the person you're with and the relationship ideally gets stronger.

People get away with a lot of stuff. Like, they'll date multiple people at a time because they feel as if they get what they need from each of them.

It's kinda complicated. It's a lowering of our standards in this day and age.

It's life. It's happening...it's really, really happening.......

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