
the ONE political Blog

So I generally don't write politics, but this is ridiculous. I'll admit it: Unfortunately, I voted for Barack Obama so this may partially be my part.

Why in the hell did he win the Nobel Peace Prize? There have been 2 sitting presidents to receive this prize: Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson (CNN). They are people who actually did something to receive such a prestigious award.

Seeing that Obama was nominated for this prize 2 weeks before the nominations were due (Yahoo!), (YES! ONLY 12 DAYS INTO OFFICE) I don't see how he could have really done much for society by then...probably because nothing is actually set in stone. YOU DON'T GET AN 'A' FOR EFFORT, YOU GET AN 'A' FOR GETTING IT ALL RIGHT.

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for work in a wide range of fields including advocacy of human rights, mediation of international conflicts, and arms control (Nobel Peace). How do you get the Nobel Peace

The motto at my school is "Ideas into Action, Action into Service." Unfortunately, Obama is still at the idea stage...whereas people such as Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Ceasar Chavez, etc. have actually done something notable to deserve their award.

I'm not saying that Obama won't do something in the future that grants him enough reasoning to become nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize -- but now was NOT the time...

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