
It's like we're taking a guess when the only answer is "Yes"...

There's one thing that makes all the drama and tears worth while
You either feel it, or you don't
But when you do feel it, It's like time stops
And your skin gets all goose bumpy
I can't explain it,
It's magic.
If you're lucky enough to find someone you love,
Who loves you back,
It's a gift.
-- Degrassi.

you have someone,
but you don't want them.
you have no one,
yet you want SOMEONE.
the one you love,
is with the one you hate
you're lonely,
and need a shoulder to cry on.
there's someone watching,
but you're in too much pain to notice.
they walk away,
then you find yourself in love again
it's too late,
and now you must repeat the cycle.
now you've lost hope,
there's nothing you can gain.
you leave the one you love,
for the one you like.
And the one you like leaves you,
for the one they love.

&& it takes no time to fall in love.
But it takes years to know what love is.

I just seem to be stuck in a trance; in a daze; in the moment of everything going well in my life. But if you didn't know...all good things must end...but when?
This is continuous happiness....love<3

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