I can't seem to stop the conversations in my head.
The battles in my mind:
what I want vs what I need
For the most part, things have come easy for me. Not because I don't try, but because I am sure to gain as much control in every situation as possible.
Where I'm stumped:
I can't control another person's thought. I can't even hear them to know what's on someones mind.
I wish people would follow up with the "Say What's Real" blog that I wrote. It saves the time wasted when you're thinking about something or someone that has no future with you.
I've been told that I give mixed signals a lot...but something just clicked. Perhaps it's not me giving the mixed signals, it's the other person...Perhaps I simply mimic what I'm seeing and try to feed off of it, but their confusion is making me confused -- or am I really just the confused one?
I've also realized that I generally do convey mixed signs when it comes to the opposite sex because if I am uncertain on what their thought process is in relationship to me, I can't seem to let myself go completely...I put a guard/shield up to protect me from any incoming danger...but, of course, that's because feelings (overrated) get involved.
Maybe the best thing is to just stop over-analyzing things...
Easier said than done................................
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