
Fantasy vs. Reality Part I

I continuously question myself, wondering -- Is it worth it? Then I think about how much better it could be if I was in New York or Boston. Don't get me wrong, it was all fun and worth it in that sense...but that's not including the opportunity costs. I want to and need to break free - from my parents financially and this beautiful world I've created for myself. I love my fantasy, but I want a taste of reality.

1 comment:

Jezerie said...

Love the openness, I mean life is too short to not take risk.. But also to dangerous to take big risk... I say draw a plan and see what the con and pros... Sometimes its worth everything to concur a dream... Also reality is only in the eye of the beholder.. which is you... Thats the beauty of life.. you never know what will come out of it... but if you do fall, learn and come back as strong as ever... Its okay to fall sometime its for the good... Just got to know how to pick back up..... I say break free and find your own way..